Assigning Mapping Specifications to Users

You can assign a mapping specification to users, created in the Resource Manager as:

  • Mapping Designer
  • Mapping Approver
  • Mapping ETL Developer
  • Mapping Tester

By default, the user who creates mapping specification is the Mapping Designer of the mapping specification. You can re-assign Mapping Designer of the mapping specification to a different user.

To assign mapping specifications to users, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, click a map.
  3. The central pane displays the mapping specification grid and at the bottom of the central
    pane, you can locate Additional Mapping Information pane.

  4. Expand the Additional Mapping Information pane.
  5. In Additional Mapping Information pane, click the Assignment tab.
  6. Click .
  7. The following page appears.

  8. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  9. Field Name


    Mapping Designer

    Specifies the User Full Name and User ID of the Mapping Designer.

    For example, Jane Doe(janedoe).

    Mapping Approver

    Specifies the User Full Name and User ID of the Mapping Approver.

    For example, John Doe(jdoe).

    Mapping ETL Developer

    Specifies the User Full Name and User ID of the Mapping ETL Developer.

    For example, John Denver(jdenver).

    Mapping Tester

    Specifies the User Full Name and User ID of the Mapping Tester.

    For example, Michael Samuel(M.Samuel).


    Specifies the status of the user's task.

    For example, Pending Review.


    The Email check boxes populate as you select users as Mapping Designer, Mapping Approver, Mapping ETL Developer, and Mapping Tester.

    Select the check boxes to send email notifications to the corresponding users about the mapping assignment and change in mapping status.

    For more information on configuring email notifications, refer to the Configuring Notifications topic.

    Distribution/CC List

    Enter a comma-separated list of email IDs that should receive the email notification about the assignment.

    For example,,

    They receive the email notification from the administrator's email ID.

    Custom Notes

    Specifies the custom notes about the mapping assignment.

    For example: John Denver is the Mapping ETL Developer of the mapping specification.

    Assignment Changes

    Specifies the changes in the mapping assignment.

    For example: User Administrator - Default System User(Administrator) has been assigned to the mapping on 2020-01-12 19:58:15.815.

  10. Click .
  11. The mapping assignment is updated.